Energy Learning Network:

Supporting community organisations across the UK to act on energy 

Thanks to National Lottery players, Ashden Climate Solutions has received £1.5m over four years from The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest community funder in the UK. 

The Energy Learning Network is a new initiative funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, led by Ashden Climate Solutions and delivered in partnership with Community Energy England, Community Energy Scotland, Community Energy Wales, Action Renewables and Centre for Sustainable Energy. 

The Energy Learning Network will deliver free insights, resources and connections to existing community energy groups, as well as other community groups looking to become involved in local energy projects for the first time. 

The community sector already delivers a wide range of services tackling both the climate crisis and fuel poverty, from locally owned solar PV, wind and hydro installations, delivering energy bill savings for organisations and individuals, to trusted low carbon retrofit and energy advice services to communities across the UK.  

The Energy Learning Network will help fill gaps in the support that currently exists for community energy by creating and promoting UK-wide accessible resources that will support the establishment, development and delivery of community energy projects. There will be specific opportunities for peer mentoring support for community organisations, as well as shared learning opportunities to further develop skills and grow the sector. 

This grant comes from the Climate Action Fund, a £100 million commitment over 10 years from The National Lottery Community Fund to support communities across the UK to take action on climate change and involve more people in climate action. This forms part of one of the funder’s four key missions in its 2030 strategy, ‘It starts with community’ – supporting communities to be environmentally sustainable.