Carbon Reduction Grant


Applications for a Carbon Reduction Grant are currently closed.

Action Renewables supports the Carbon Reduction Grant, in recognition of the CO2 savings which can be achieved by switching from oil or solid fuels to natural gas. This fuel transition results in an estimated 50% CO2 reduction (based on a 28% differential in carbon emissions between burning oil and natural gas and assuming up to a further 30% saving through heating system efficiencies). This grant is an opportunity for householders to switch to gas and reduce their emissions.

In addition, Action Renewables is actively involved in facilitating a pathway for renewable gas injection to decarbonise the natural gas network.

To be eligible for a Carbon Reduction Grant from Phoenix Energy the household income must be no greater than £65k per annum.

To apply for a grant please follow the procedures below:

*eligibility criteria applies




NB:  Firmus Energy and Evolve are also offering grants for customers within their catchment areas.  These grants are administered directly from both companies. Click the company links for further details.


       Terms and conditions      Terms and conditions               Terms and conditions


Applications for a Carbon Reduction Grant closed on 30th November, 2024


For further information on how to apply for a Carbon Reduction Grant,  the Data Handling Policy and the Carbon Grant appeals process, and other useful information,  please see links below:

How to apply for a Carbon Reduction Grant

Phoenix Energy Information Flyer

Data Handling Policy

Carbon Grant appeals process

Phoenix Energy Installer list

Is Gas available in my area? 

The Northern Ireland Gas Network Operator Map

We are delighted to be partnering with Phoenix Energy on the Carbon Reduction Grant scheme.  This is a great opportunity for households to avail of a new Carbon Reduction Grant, to switch their home to natural gas. Gas delivers reduced carbon emissions compared to oil and coal, and as the gas network in N.Ireland has started to receive renewable gas, this will further reduce emissions.

Lana Moore, Head of Charity Delivery
Our Carbon Reduction Grant Team
Contact our microgeneration team

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